Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Theme is Gross-Looking, Mediocre-Tasting

Hi folks. My apologies for the not-so-tasty-looking entry today. I promise that I will start making better food as soon as I have time, energy, and inspiration. It's hard to want to go all out when you're cooking for your lonely, ghetto self.

Anyway, the following is just a variation of my oatmeal, the only change being, since I ran out of oats, that I used 1/4 cup of whole grain rice instead. This stuff claims to purge out toxins, so I hope it does that for me.

Whole Grain Rice with Cinnamon, Splenda, and Soy

The second is just some broccoli, maybe about 2 cups or so, that I sort of steamed in a pool of vegetable broth (made from 1/3 cube bullion).

Steamed Broccoli

Again, hopefully better stuff appears soon. I am still trying to clear everything out, although I am quite sure that I will be living alone during the summer.

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